The Burnt Island Light, built in 1821, is the second oldest surviving lighthouse in Maine. It hosts a living history museum run by the state Department of Marine Resources.

Location: Burnt Island SSW of Boothbay Harbor, Maine
Coordinates - 43°49′30.7″N 69°38′24.8″W
Address: Southport, ME 04576
Constructed: 1821
Foundation: Surface rock
Construction: Granite w/brick lining
Automated: 1989
Height: 30 feet (9.1 m)
Shape: Conical
Markings: White w/black lantern
Fog signal: HORN: 1 every 10s
First lit: 1821
Focal height: 61 feet (19 m)
Range: R 12 nautical miles (22 km; 14 mi), W 15 nautical miles (28 km; 17 mi)
Characteristic: Flashing red 6 sec w/ two white sectors

I visited this light on July 16 2022.

The lighthouse is owned by the Maine Department of Marine Resources. Grounds/dwelling/tower open.

There are various public cruises that pass the lighthouse. I used the cruise by Maine Maritime Museum out of Bath

Views from land are possible

Added to the National Register of Historic Places on November 23 1977

Access: Boat